Hot Rod

Meet Hot Rod at the Goodyear
Half Marathon & 10k
on August 11.
Meet Hot Rod
Laine Goodyear, Age 5, from Seville, Ohio
Why Laine is an #ACHero: To help manage his arthrogryposis, Laine has been in some form of therapy – occupational or physical – since he was 2 weeks old. Although therapy hasn’t always been easy, Laine approaches each session with determination and optimism because he knows it’s helping him do things he couldn’t before.
Sidekicks: Brother, Brady, his most favorite person in life, and his dog, Blue.
Super power: Speed and agility. He zips through life, never slowing down, despite the challenges.
When he’s not busy overcoming obstacles: Laine is very social and makes friends quickly with his magnetic personality. He always has a funny joke or story to share and enjoys making his family and friends laugh.
Did you know fact: Laine has 10 dogs at home and is training one to be a service dog. He also loves playing soccer on the Medina Top Soccer team.
Laine’s story: Every great comedian has a break out moment. For Laine Goodyear, his moment comes each night at the family dinner table.
“He’s our one man comic at dinner each night,” said mom Carrie Goodyear. “He always has a joke or a funny story to tell. He loves to make us laugh and making others happy … he always sees the good in life.”
Laine’s first debut, though, didn’t bring laughter. At his 20-week ultrasound, his parents were told something looked concerning.
“My doctor was concerned that Laine wasn’t moving his arms and his legs were curled up like a pretzel,” said Carrie. “He thought he had clubbed feet, but there was something more to his condition yet they couldn’t diagnose it. We got a second opinion and genetic testing but nothing turned up a firm diagnosis.”
Carrie began researching things on her own and arthrogryposis, a condition that effects joint movement, kept coming up.
“My husband had heard good things about Akron Children’s, so we made an appointment to meet with Dr. Adamczyk to go over what treatment would look like for Laine if he was born with the condition,” said Carrie. “He suggested serial castings and explained the procedure which we found settling given all the unknowns up to that point.”
Laine was born 6 weeks early and started occupational therapy 2 weeks later and physical therapy at 6 weeks old to help with flexibility.
The Monday after Laine was discharged from his birth hospital, he came to Akron Children’s Orthopedics to begin weekly serial castings, a noninvasive procedure to improve range of motion through a series of casts that immobilize a joint.
“At each visit, his casts would come off, they’d stretch his feet, check progress and then position and cast his feet and legs for the following week,” said Carrie. “It took almost 3 months, but in the end, the doctor felt more needed to be done.”
After castings, Laine had Achilles tendon lengthening on both feet to further release his tightened muscles.
But, Laine’s muscles and ligaments weren’t responding, so at age 1, Laine had clubbed foot surgery on both feet. The reconstructive surgery corrected the position of his feet to give him improved balance and stability.
Laine continued coming to the hospital for occupational therapy for his upper body limbs, which included splinting of his hands and elbows to aid in stretching.
Physical and occupational therapy 2 times a week for his arms and legs was getting to be a lot for Laine.
“The staff began to know Laine as the boy who cried every time we came,” said Carrie. “Then, one day at therapy, in walked Chris Witschey and her dogs. Laine was in a gait trainer so she stopped to talk with him, but he was terrified of the dog. Each week, though, she kept coming and he became more and more interested in the dogs.”
Laine soon bonded with the dogs, and they helped him get through his weekly therapies.
“At first it was the dogs Laine was attached to but now it’s Chris. He loves her,” said Carrie. “I don’t know where we’d be without her. She’s the biggest motivator, supporter and cheerleader. We’re so thankful for her.”
At age 3, and after a lot of hard work, Laine was ready for preschool.
“Some of Laine’s friends are non verbal yet Laine doesn’t question it, he goes right on talking with them and making them smile,” said Carrie. “I suppose it’s like his wheelchair; he never questions his abilities, he just does the best he can and is happy with that.”
For Laine, therapy will always be a part of his life, but with Chris and her dogs and Laine’s witty personality, therapy sessions are a lot more fun.